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Chasing Madoff Written & Dir

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ected by Jeff Prosserman
With a fresh new

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release Tuesday at our doorstep, there is a slew of new releases from the worlds of Hollywood and

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beyond in a variety of genres. Once in a while when we dip into the documentary genre we get a film that is pulled from some not so distance headlines from news organizations around the world. Out today on DVD from our friends at eOne Films is one of those documentaries as we get ready to start “Chasing Madoff”.
“Chasing Madoff” is the compelling true story of Harry Markopolos and his team’s ten-year struggle to expose the harrowing truth behind the infamous Madoff scandal. Throughout the decade long investigation, Markopolos pieced together a chain of white-collar tiger asic  predators, consisting of financial fraudsters, lieutenants, and henchmen, all linked to the devastating Ponzi scheme. With risk and danger apparent, Markopolos and his loyal team, known as the “The Foxhounds”, relentlessly continued to pursue the frightening truth. Finding himself trapped in a web of epic deceit, the once unassuming Boston securities analyst turned vigilante investigator now feared for his life and the safety of his family.
A lot of times in the world of documentary filmmaking the level of interest in the subject matter gets mistaken for the quality of the actually film. The story of Bernie Madoff and how he defrauded nearly $18 billion dollars out of people with his ponzi scheme is a fascinating enough story, but Prosserman screwed it up by adding far too many bells a onitsuka tiger uk sale nd whistles to the story trying to make it more exciting, when it really wasnt needed. With some ham handed recreations and an uneven presentation it aspires to the highest of cinematic expose but ends up as an unnecessary exercise in overloading the film with dramatic visuals that ultimately go nowhere in an attempt to add flair where it was not needed. While the film focuses on Markopolos and the pains he went through to get this massive fraud noticed by anyone, we got almost no background on Madoff. That would have added more depth to the story but instead we got distracted as the film drifted further and further away from the criminal and more about the crime stopper as the actual mystery of why it took so long to catch Madoff which got lost in the stylized shuffle of film that didn’t have enough faith in its subject matter to keep the viewer interested. It’s almost like the filmmakers knew that Markopolos wasn’t coming off as a compelling cinematic hero and they needed to jazz up the story to make it watchable.
To put it simply; sometimes in filmmaking as in life, less is often more and that is a lesson that “Chasing Madoff” needed to keep it simple to make it a better film.
1 out of 5 stars.
“Chasing Madoff” is available at video stores all across Toronto; click here for a list of some of the finer video stores near you.
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