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Raines Down Productions film Inner Child wins first place for a Tennessee Film at the 2013 Knoxville Film Festival. This is the secon

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d triumph for this Memphis Production Company in a two week period. Their sho

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rt film, 5ive Courses, is in the top 20 films at the Louisiana Film Prize.
Christopher Raines, who directed Inner Child, gave accolades to many, who he said helped him accomplish this task. Thank you Arnold Edwards II, Mark Holt, Bryan Artiles, Ryan Nichols, Kasheed Francios, Matthew P. Brewer, Brandon Robertson, Jared B. Callan, Rod Hayes, Brittany Thornton, Gabriella Erwin, Hardy McNeece, Kyle Porter, Shaleen Cholera, Jarrod Spicer, John Clark Sweeny, Amy Cook, Heather onitsuka tiger trainers sale   asics shoes Coker, Candace Canerdy, Matthew onitsuka tiger retailers Bowling, Meaghin Burke, Haley Parker, Connor Hutto, Daniel Reed, Alisa Nave, Elle Anderson, Juliet Buckholdt, Victoria Gibson, John Bragg, Tara Ptacek, Victoria Wallace! Thanks again everyone was AMAZING!!!
This award is not bad for a first film. We can only imagine what he and production company partner, Candace McGowen have in store for us next.onitsuka tiger 66 r/>If you do not already subscribe to the Memphis Film Industry articles in theExaminer, you can do so by clicking on the subscribe link near the top of this page, and enter your email address. This is a free internet publication, and you will be notified by email when a new article is published. But, until next time, Keep those cameras rolling!